It's not always true that simplicity makes the best product. Sometimes making things less simple will get you the users you truly want.
As one of the first designers at Facebook and Dropbox, Soleio Cuervo has seen a lot. Now he's looking at the next trend: Personalization.
In 2014, Dan Shipper sold his company and graduated from college in the same month. These are the 3 tactics he says made it possible.
Phil King rose through the ranks to lead design at Flickr. His mission: To help more designers become leaders and advocate for their craft.
Two years ago, Product Hunt didn't exist. Now it's the toast of the town. In this exclusive article, Found Ryan Hoover tracks its ascent.
Massdrop's first users were so involved in shaping the product that it's become core to the company's culture. And that's a great thing.
At the heart of the Lean Startup movement, the Business Model Canvas can help early stage startups carve out a successful model.
Startups can't succeed without the trust of their customers. Here, Urbansitter CEO Lynn Perkins shares how to bake trust into your product.
While WhatsApp solved a real problem, their understanding of the Penny Gap may have been their shrewdest product move of all.