Too often pricing comes at price. That's why we assembled some of most insightful advice on pricing products from the Review archives, so you've got what you need in one place. Dive in!
Pricing pro Madhavan Ramanujam uncovers a powerful idea: Determine price before you design your product. Here, he details the ways companies trip up when they try to monetize and explains how to do it right.
From buyer personas to feature preference surveys, Price Intelligently Co-founder and CEO Patrick Campbell offers indispensable tips on how to get pricing right.
SurveyMonkey CTO Selina Tobaccowalla provides a deep dive into how the company internationalized to build a world-class business.
Alex Rampell, CEO of TrialPay, explains how startups can be strategic about pricing their products so they don't lose out.
Wiley Cerilli has built huge sales teams from scratch, emerging with an arsenal of lessons for founders looking to do the same thing.
While WhatsApp solved a real problem, their understanding of the Penny Gap may have been their shrewdest product move of all.